Janet Jackson’s astonishingly rapid weight loss was a
combination of two professionals a nutritionist and a
trainer. Together they developed for her a high
impact weight loss diet and weight loss exercises to
melt body fat fast. She went on to achieve a picture
perfect body in four months. By the way, these two
are also core in Fat Loss 4 Idiots (lose 40 lbs with
Calorie Shifting ) . The eating plan consisted of
between four to five meals depending on how late
she stayed up. Her nutritionist recommended a
gourmet food delivery service, "Fresh Dinning", for
perfectly balance foods. However it is believed that
she was first started with a customized replacement
meal of liquid diets. Like any diet should, calories
deficit is necessary to achieve weight loss. However
poor designs results to accompanying reduction in
bulk leading to feeling of hunger. Use of smaller
portions yet frequent meals is an effective strategy to
achieve both calorie deficit and satiety. Similarly use
of very low calorie diets like liquid diet when used
under an expert eye can be an effective means to
jump start and result to huge amount of fat loss. In
addition, Janet Jackson diet involved an intricate
weight loss exercise. Indeed many celebrity diets
hinge their success on physical exercise. It even
explains the chiseled bellies and shoulders. Her
trainer designed for her a mix of strength training
movements and cardio vascular exercises. They
included reverse lunges, good mornings, leg presses,
push ups triceps super sets, later at raises and more.
For diversification some sports were included, such
as kick boxing, basket ball, running among others.
Her small diet secrets include a weekly cheat of the
diet to allow moderate indulgence. Being on a strict
diet, Janet uses this to help do away cravings or
feeling of punishment. In addition she watches her
portion eats regularly without skipping meals, sleeps
well and avoids processed foods like white sugar,
white flour, alcohol and sodas. As mentioned in
famous diets , celebrities have great motivation to
loss weight. Even more importantly they have access
to an intricate support system which can be
indispensable for a strict diet as Janet Jackson diet.
This however doesn’t mean you cannot achieve
similar results. Fat Loss 4 Idiots (lose 40 lbs with
Calorie Shifting ) entails intricate directions to
achieve sustainable weight loss.
Janet Jackson's Workout Routine : Legs twice a week (
reverse lunges , good mornings , toe touches, and
leg press pushing back at a 30- degree angle). Upper
body work twice a week ( push-ups , pull-downs ,
chest flyes , biceps and triceps supersets and
shoulder lateral raises ). 3 days of ab training 5-6
days of cardiovascular exercise (including kickboxing,
basketball, tennis, baseball, jumping rope , and
running )
There you have it!